Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524

Highlight Articles

  • Electromagnetic simulation of an electron cyclotron resonance ion source considering plasma effects

    Deok-Min Kim, In-Seok Hong
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 86(3), 173 - 179 (2025)
    The rare isotope accelerator complex for ON-line experiments uses an additional electron cyclotron resonance ion source to supply ions to users. This electron cyclotron resonance ion source can be derived from the 14.5 and 18 GHz driving frequencies. We performed an electromagnetic simulation of the plasma chamber prior to the engineering design phase. The 14.5 GHz-based electric field analysis of the model was extended to 18 GHz. We used the Drude model supported by the computer simulation technology microwave studio for the plasma simulation. The electrical field can be enhanced by accounting for the plasma effects of the Drude model despite the electric field in the vacuum being near the cylindrical wall. Therefore, we uncovered that the electric field distribution can be assessed in realistic situations by modifying the vacuum chamber shape to align with the plasma field inevitably formed by an externally applied magnetic field. In addition, the electric field in the near-axis region increased with optimization after modifying the cylindrical chamber into a plasma-shaped chamber.
  • Effective tuning methods for few-electron regime in gate-defined quantum dots

    Chanuk Yang, Hwanchul Jung, Hyung Kook Choi et al.
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 86(2), 106 - 112 (2025)
    We present systematic methods for compensating gate crosstalk effects in gate-defined quantum dots (QDs), to allow the observation of Coulomb blockade peaks from the few-electron regime (N = 1) to N ≈ 20. Gate crosstalk, where adjustments to one gate voltage unintentionally affect other gate-controlled parameters, makes it difficult to control tunneling rates and energy states of the QD separately. To overcome this crosstalk effect, we present two approaches: maintaining constant conductance of two quantum point contacts (QPCs) forming the QD by compensating the effect of the plunger gate voltage on the QPCs, and interpolating between gate voltage conditions optimized for QD observation at several electron numbers. These approaches minimize crosstalk effects by dynamically adjusting barrier gate voltages as a function of plunger gate voltage. Using these methods, we successfully observed Coulomb blockade peaks throughout the entire range from N = 1 to N ≈ 20. Our methods provide a simple and effective solution for observing Coulomb blockade peaks over a wide range of electron numbers while maintaining control over the quantum states in the dot.
  • smCamera: all-in-one software package for single-molecule data acquisition and data analysis

    Kyung Suk Lee, Taekjip Ha
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 86(1), 1 - 13 (2025)
    smCamera is an all-in-one software package which aims to alleviate steep learning curves of the data acquisition
    and analysis. From recording movies through extraction of time series of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET), everything can be done in a single program without any additional software or programming languages. Although smCamera has not been published before, it has been distributed to facilitate adaption of smFRET experiments and there has been requests for support for this software. We hope that this work answers questions from researchers using smCamera and also provides an opportunity to introduce and distribute smCamera for new users.
  • Enhanced figure of merit of polycrystalline PtSe2/PtSe2 structures at room temperature by a facile wet-transfer stacking method

    Jung‑Min Cho, Yun‑Ho Kim, Won‑Yong Lee et al.
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 85(8), 643 - 649 (2024)
    We present a promising approach to significantly improve the in-plane thermoelectric (TE) figure-of-merit (ZT) of few-layer PtSe2 films at room temperature by stacking PtSe2 layers with uniform thickness. As the number of stacked layers increases, the Seebeck coefficient enhances significantly with relatively constant electrical conductivity. Meanwhile, the thermal conductivity shows a significant decrease, resulting in an increase in the ZT factor by ~380% compared to the single-layer PtSe2 film. This remarkable increase in ZT factor shows the potential for a considerable improvement in TE properties of semimetallic PtSe2 with a new technique called facile wet-transfer stacking.
  • Initial image-based approach may enhance direct reciprocity for cooperation evolution

    Sunhee Chae, Hyeong‑Chai Jeong
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 85(6), 525 - 533 (2024)
    We explore the evolution of strategies in the iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma within finite populations, where players repeatedly interact with the same partners and have access to public records of others' actions. We analyze a variety of discriminating strategies that utilize both direct reciprocity (based on repeated interactions) and indirect reciprocity (based on public information), along with strategies of always cooperating or always defecting. Our results show that a strategy combining tit-for-tat for repeated encounters and indirect information for initial interactions is generally the most effective, except when the benefits greatly outweigh the costs, where the standard tit-for-tat strategy prevails.
  • Quantum computation by cooling

    Jaeyoon Cho
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 85(5), 397 - 405 (2024)
    Adiabatic quantum computation solves problems by finding the ground states of many-body Hamiltonians, but its analysis is challenging. This study proposes an alternative cooling-based method, inspired by cavity cooling, where the system's entropy is extracted by discarding ancilla qubits, driving the system toward its ground state. This cooling approach is computationally equivalent to quantum circuits. We demonstrate its application to combinatorial optimization problems by numerical simulation, incorporating a mechanism that allows the system to escape local energy minima via high-order transitions.
  • Effect of proton-beam irradiation on cell survival of MCF-7 and its chemo-resistant subgroups

    Sushma Maharjan, Min-Gu Lee, Kyung-Soo Nam et al.
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 85(3), 271 - 278 (2024)
    This investigation revealed that proton-beam resistance in drug-resistant breast cancer cells is closely correlated with the regulation of RAD51, Ku80 ad survivin. Therefore, this study suggests that a specialized strategy is required to enhance the efficacy of proton-beam therapy through targeting RAD51, Ku80 and survivin, particularly in patients exhibiting chemoresistance.

Most cited research articles published in JKPS since 2012 are listed above.

Most cited research articles published in JKPS since 2012 are listed above.

JKPS Impact

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2023 [Q3]) 0.8

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2022 [Q4]) 0.6


Current Issue

February, 2025
Vol.86 No.3

pISSN 0374-4884
eISSN 1976-8524

NPSM 새물리 New Physics : Sae Mulli JKPS Journal of Korean Physical Society CAP Current Applied Physics KOFST 한국과학기술단체총연합회 KOREAN COUNCIL OF SCIENCE EDITORS
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Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524