Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524


Condensed Matter

Published online February 12, 2010

Copyright © The Korean Physical Society.

Geometric and Electronic Structure of Passive CuN Monolayer on Cu(111) : A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Study

Young Kuk, Hongwoo Baek, Sangjun Jeon, Jungpil Seo

J. Korean Phys. Soc. 56(2), 620 - 624 (2010)


잸n insulating CuN monolayer was grown on a Cu(111) surface; subsequently, the dynamic growth process, the reconstructed geometric structure and the electronic structure were studied using scanning tunneling microscopy. Confirmation of the atomic model of the pseudo-(100) layer, proposed by Higgs et al. and Driver et al. was made. In addition, we observed a small misalignment of the super cell away from the <110> direction of the Cu substrate, resulting in long-range distortion. A large insulator-like band gap of ~ 3.3 eV was measured through the CuN surface. The CuN monolayer can be used as a model surface on which the electronic structure of an atom or a molecule is explored by scanning tunneling microscopy. This electronic structure can not be perturbed by the metallic substrate, despite the tunneling of electrons through the surface layer.