Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524


Published online July 31, 2017

Copyright © The Korean Physical Society.

Effect of Quark Spins to the Hadron Distributions for Chiral Magnetic Wave
in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

Byungsik Hong

J. Korean Phys. Soc. 71(2), 77 - 81 (2017)

Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea

Correspondence to:Byungsik Hong

Received: May 25, 2017


The topological theory predicts that fluctuation of the gluon field in QCD modifies the vacuum structure, and causes various chiral anomalies. In the strong magnetic field generated by semi-central heavy-ion collisions at high energies, the axial and vector density fluctuations propagate along the external B-field and might generate the chiral magnetic wave. Up until now the investigation of the various chiral anomalies has used only the charge distribution. However, the present paper emphasizes that the spin distribution needs to be considered in addition. As a result,  with spin 0 are not ideal particle species to study the chiral anomalies, because the signal can be suppressed by one of the constituent (anti-)quarks coming from background. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze explicitly the vector mesons with spin 1 () and baryons with spin 3/2 (e.g., ).

Keywords: Spin, Chirality, Magnetic field, Parity, Relativistic heavy ion collision