Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524


Published online October 15, 2008

Copyright © The Korean Physical Society.

Correlation Between the Diffracted Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect and the Structure in Gyrotropic Gratings

Y. H. Lu, M. H. Cho, J. B. Kim, G. J. Lee, Y. P. Lee and J. Y. Rhee

J. Korean Phys. Soc. 53(9(4)), 2275 - 2278 (2008)


One-dimensional gyrotropic gratings can be fabricated by using all kinds of nano-fabrication techniques. Such laterally patterned magnetic nanostructures become more attractive because of their potential applications to magnetic and magneto-optical (MO) information storage media, light waveguides, filters, new metamaterials, {it etc.} A significant difference in the MO response between specular and non-specular spots was noticed, which is mainly attributed to the structure of gyrotropic gratings. In order to elucidate the correlation between the diffracted MO Kerr effect (D-MOKE) and the structure, we utilize the rigorous coupled-wave analysis, which is implemented with Airy-like internal reflection series. This analysis is a powerful tool to detect the grating structure so that the D-MOKE signal can be effectively controlled.

Keywords: Gyrotropic gratings, Diffracted magneto-optical Kerr effect, Rigorous coupled-wave analysis, Airy-like internal-reflection series