Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524

Submission Regulations

  • Article 1. (Classification of Papers)

    (1) Papers are classified as articles, letters, comments and replies, review papers and proceedings of international conference.
    (2) (Articles) Articles are papers containing new or original content on a specific subject and should have scientific logic.
    (3) (Letters) Letters are papers of a short length with timely and important physical findings, and they are given priority in processing. The length of a Letter is limited to be not more than 5 printed pages. A short memo describing the Letter's importance should be submitted with the manuscript.
    (4) (Comments and Replies) Comments include opinions on the papers already published. Replies include answers by the author(s) of the paper commented upon.
    (5) (Review Papers) Review papers comprehensively introduce recent achievements on important topics by experts. Consulting with the Executive Editor and the Editorial Board members of the related subjects, the Editor-in-Chief can invite persons to submit Review Paper(s).
    (6) (Papers presented at an international conference, workshop of symposium) The manuscripts presented at a conference, workshop of symposium may be submitted to the Journal of the Korean Physical Society (hereafter referred to as JKPS) by the organizing committee who wish to publish them in JKPS. It can be published as a special issue independently or a special edition, part of regular issues. In this case, the organizing committee must send a written application form for the submission to the Editor-in-Chief at least two months before the conference, workshop or symposium. The Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Editor will judge the appropriateness of the submission to JKPS, and the Editorial Board will make a final decision as to the permission.
    (7) (Special papers) The special issue may be published by collecting regular papers on appropriate topics regardless of conferences.

  • Article 2. (Submission of Manuscripts)

    (1) Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system. It should comply with all regulations (including ethics regulations) of journals and publishers.
    (2) After the paper is accepted, the publication schedule may be delayed if the regulations of the final submission are not properly followed or the manuscript preparation guidelines are not followed correctly. For smooth contact with the author, affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number must be specified.
    (3) When submitting a thesis, the main author (the first author and the corresponding author) must be a student member of the Korean Physical Society or higher or qualify equivalent thereto.

  • Article 3. (Language)

    Manuscripts should be written in English.

  • Article 4. (Format)

    (1) The manuscript should begin with the title and be followed by the names of the authors and their affiliations, the abstract, keywords, the email address.
    (2) The format of the proceedings of a conferences, workshop or symposium is the same as that of the regular JKPS issues. The name, date, venue, and the organizing committee of the conference, workshop or symposium may be printed of the cover of inside the proceedings.

  • Article 5. (References)

    (1) Each reference should include, in the following order, the names of the authors, the name of the journal, the volume number, the starting page number, and the year of publication. When books are referred to, the reference should include, in the following order, the names of the authors, the name of the book, the publishing company, the place of publication, the year of publication, and the referenced section. All references should be located at the end of the manuscript.
    (2) When referred, the journals of KPS are written as, in English,

    Journal of the Korean Physical Society: J. Korean Phys. Soc.
    새물리: New Phys.: Sae Mulli.
    물리학과 첨단기술: Phys. High Technol.
    Current Applied Physics: Curr. Appl. Phys.

  • Article 6. (Tables and Figures)

    (1) The author(s) should indicate the desired placement of the tables and the figures (photographs) within the body of the text by inserting their numbers at the appropriate locations.
    (2) Figures should have a quality necessary for electronic publishing. Since figures are sized on the basis of their content and detail, the size of lettering should be chosen with this in mind. The figure number (or the title) should be placed outside the figure.

  • Article 7. (Notation of Units)

    Notation of units should follow the international convention [see Sae mulli (New Phys.) 38, 314 (1998)].

  • Article 8. (Author Instruction)

    Further details of the paper format follow author instruction (Journal of the Korean Physical Society (

  • Article 9. (Galley Proofs)

    In principle, the proof-reading should be done by the author(s). The author(s) are not allowed to revise the text while checking the galley proofs except the review results and what JKPS requires. If revision is necessary, the author must provide explanation and have an approval by the editor or Editor-in-Chief.

  • Article 10. (Charges for Publication)

    Authors are requested to pay a publication fee for a published paper.

  • Article 11. (Copyright)

    (1) The principal author must provide a signed KPS copyright transfer form with the submission of a manuscript.
    (2) When requesting the publication of the proceedings of a conference, workshop or symposium, the organizing committee must transfer the copyright to the Korean Physical Society.

  • Article 12. (Code of Ethics)

    (1) In case of the violation of research ethics is found in the published article, i.e. plagiarism, duplicated publication, false report, and etc, the editor-in-chief can summon the ethics committee. The ethics committee is composed of the corresponding editor of the forwarded article, the expert on the relevant field of the article, and the relevant academic organization of the article.
    (2) When the degree of the violation of research ethics is found to be serious, the editor-in-chief can hold a provisional editorial meeting and decide whether the case is forwarded to the KPS Ethics committee.

  • Article 13. (Review of Articles)

    (1) (Review Process) Acceptance of a manuscript in JKPS is determined through rigorous peer-reviewing process. After the Editorial Office assigns an editor, the assigned editor sends the manuscript to two or more referees for peer-review. The assigned referees review the manuscript and their review results are reported to the Editor-in-Chief. Finally, Editor-in-Chief notifies the review results to the corresponding author(s).
    (2) (Objection) If there is any objection to the review results, corresponding author(s) can appeal within 60 days after being notified. Editor-in-Chief has the obligation to notify the results after one more review.
    (3) Details about the review follow the review policy of JKPS.

  • Article 14. (Frequency and Publication date)

    (1) The JKPS publishes twice a month (15th and last day of each month)
    (2) The JKPS publishes two volumes per year, 12 issues per volume.

JKPS Impact

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2023 [Q3]) 0.8

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2022 [Q4]) 0.6


Current Issue

February, 2025
Vol.86 No.3

pISSN 0374-4884
eISSN 1976-8524

NPSM 새물리 New Physics : Sae Mulli JKPS Journal of Korean Physical Society CAP Current Applied Physics KOFST 한국과학기술단체총연합회 KOREAN COUNCIL OF SCIENCE EDITORS
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Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524