Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524


  • (Dec. 12. 2024) JKPS first issue, registered as a nationally important science and technology material

    We are pleased to share some exciting news. The Journal of the Korean Physical Society (JKPS), the flagship academic journal of the Korean Physical Society, has been recognized as a historical and educationally valuable scientific resource in the development of science and technology in Korea. On December 10, 2024, the inaugural issue of JKPS was officially registered and certified as a "Nationally Important Scientific and Technological Record" by the Ministry of Science and ICT, making it the first such designation among domestic academic journals.

    This achievement is a tribute to the pioneers who came together to establish JKPS during challenging times, the senior researchers who worked tirelessly to gain SCI recognition for the journal, and all the members and researchers of the Korean Physical Society who have supported JKPS in countless ways. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to each and every one of you.

    As the only comprehensive journal for all fields of physics in Korea, JKPS remains committed to fulfilling its mission and role. We kindly ask for your continued interest, support, and encouragement to help us achieve this goal.

    Once again, thank you sincerely for your unwavering dedication and support.

  • (Aug. 09. 2024) Launching SNAPP for JKPS submission

    As previously informed, JKPS will begin accepting paper submissions through Springer Nature's Article Processing Platform (SNAPP) starting on August 20, 2024. This initiative aims to simplify and expedite the submission and publication process. We kindly request your understanding and cooperation. For more details, please refer to the information below and the attached submission manual for authors.

    After August 20, 2024, clicking the "SNAPP Submission" button on the JKPS website will automatically redirect you to the SNAPP submission system. You can also submit directly through Springer Nature's JKPS homepage.
    - JKPS Homepage:
    - Springer Nature's JKPS Homepage:

    To use SNAPP, you will need to set up a new personal ID and password, separate from your current JKPS credentials. This simple process takes less than a minute and will allow you to easily track the status of your submissions.

    The SNAPP submission system is already in use by many journals worldwide and is similar to the submission systems used by other international journals (refer to the submission manual).

    Once your submitted paper is accepted for publication, a payment request for the publication fee will be sent to the author by JKPS. Upon confirmation of payment, the paper will swiftly move to the production and final publication stages.

    Papers submitted before August 20, 2024, will be processed to final publication using the current system, accessible via the "Submission (Before August 20, 2024)" button on the JKPS website.

    For any inquiries, please contact JKPS Publications ( or Submission/Review (

    We understand that adopting a new system may initially cause some inconvenience. However, we believe this transition will ultimately benefit both JKPS and our researchers, creating a synergistic system. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period of change.

    Thank you once again for your support.
  • (Jun. 25. 2024) On JKPS2024 and JCR 2023 result

    The 30th JKPS Editorial Committee has been actively implementing JKPS2024, the journal's development plan, since January 2023. Now, 18 months later (July 2024), the emergency submission system was abolished as of December 31, 2023, and several plans are in progress for the quantitative and qualitative growth of the journal, along with various promotional activities at spring and fall conferences. We would like to report on the recent achievements of JKPS2024 and share our future plans.

    IF 0.8 and Q3 on JCR 2023
    Thanks to the interest and support of our members, JKPS was promoted to an IF of 0.8 and Q3 in JCR 2023 (JCR 2022 IF was 0.6 and Q4). We will continue to quietly pursue bold projects to grow the journal both qualitatively and quantitatively, striving to become a friendly and competent journal that supports our members in their research activities. We ask for your continued interest and support. If you want to publish high-quality SCI papers, come to JKPS!

    SNAPP from August 20, 2024
    As part of JKPS2024, to actively improve the entire process from journal submission to publication, SNAPP, Springer-Nature’s user-centered integrated publishing system, will be launched on August 20 this year. Through this, we hope to achieve easier submission, a smoother review process, and faster publication, dramatically improving the journal's overall publishing service. If you want to publish SCI papers quickly, now is the time with JKPS! (SNAPP: Springer-Nature’s Article Processing Platform)
  • (Aug. 14. 2023) We would like to thank all the members who have contributed to the growth and development of JKPS, the representative journal of the Korean Physical Society.

    Unfortunately, however, JKPS is currently in a very dire situation. The impact factor, which is visibly regarded as the status of an academic journal, has been stagnant for several years in a low state, and the function and status of an academic journal are threatened, such as the number of papers submitted gradually decreasing. The reality is that if a new leap forward is not made in the near future, even the existence of an academic journal will be in jeopardy.

    The first step for JKPS to take off again is to start with the normalization of JKPS. In the meantime, it was judged to be in an inefficient and abnormal state, as the dual method of urgent submission and general submission was operated, the difference in the rate of papers submitted in both ways or the publication rate widened significantly, and the overall publication speed slowed down. Therefore, JKPS's leap forward is about to begin with the maintenance of the following systems.

    1. Abolition of urgent submission system (from January 1, 2024)
    In order to normalize the submission, review, and publication procedures of JKPS, the urgent submission system will be abolished from 2024 (emergency submission fee abolished). Therefore, from 2024, all submitted papers will go through the same review and publication procedures. All submitted papers will be processed in accordance with the existing urgently submitted papers.

    2. Utilization of the Springer-Nature publishing system (during the first half of 2024)
    In order to improve the inefficiency and slow publication speed due to the dualization of the submission, review system and publishing system, the Springer-Nature publishing system will be used for all procedures from submission to publication from 2024. Since a single system is used for submission, review, and publication, we expect to greatly improve the processing speed of all papers.

    Through the maintenance of the above system, the goal is to restore the status and function of JKPS as a normal academic journal with academic value. We will continue to communicate with members and collect opinions so that our efforts to normalize JKPS can bear fruit. We once again ask for your interest and help in paper submission, review, and citation.
  • (Jul. 20 2023) The 13th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD2023)
    The 13th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD2023)
    Guest editors: Prof. Joon Ik Jang, Prof. Eunmi Chae, Prof. Ji Wan Kim - Submission deadline: 22 December 2023

    For more than 27 years, ICAMD has served as an international stage for dissemination of current and emerging materials and devices research. ICAMD2023 keeps its scientific edges from traditional subjects to newly emerging fields like 2D materials, nanoscience, oxides, energy, bio, photonics, spintronics, organic electronics, quantum information, artificial intelligence, applied computation, and surface/interface science. This special issue is to provide deepened discussions of the new exciting results shared during ICAMD2023.
  • (Nov. 28. 2022) The strange partner of X(3872) was predicted to exist and its mass estimated by Su Houng Lee, Marina Nielsen and Ulrich Wiedner in JKPS, vol 55 (2009) 424. This was the first paper noting the possible existence of this state, which was recently observed by the LHCb collaboration and published in PRL 127, 082001 (2021). The observed mass of the Z_{cs} is 4003 \pm 6 MeV, which is within the range of the theory prediction 3960 \pm 100 MeV given in the JKPS paper. The paper is one of the pioneering paper that predicted additional heavy exotic states within flavor multiplets. The LHCb has by now reported the findings of more than 60 new heavy exotic candidates so that the JKPS paper has become more relevant as evidenced in the 70 + recent citation reported in inspires. Su Houng Lee at Yonsei University has also emphasized the importance of measuring exotic particles in heavy ion collision, as the production characteristics can be used to discriminate the structure of the exotic candidates, which is one of the critical questions to be addressed. Recently the CMS collaboration indeed measured X(3872) in Pb-Pb collisions and found an anomalously large production as compared to the expection from extrapolating the p- collision data: such an enhanced production rate was predicted to be a consequence of a molecular configuration of the X(3872) by Su Houng Lee, Sungtae Cho and collaborators in PRL 106(2011) 212001.
  • (Feb. 08. 2022) Article publication charge waiver policy :
    A new policy has been established to waive the article publication charge (APC) for authors with affiliations in developing nations.
    Please see the following link for our revised APC waiver policy: []
  • (Feb. 08. 2022) Faster publication process with a Springer partnership :
    For a speedier and efficient article processing, JKPS began a new partnership with Springer. With this, we anticipate faster publication and efficient proofreading processes for articles after acceptance in JKPS. Quantitative data on the accelerated procedure will be presented later.

JKPS Impact

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2023 [Q3]) 0.8

Journal Impact Factor (JCR 2022 [Q4]) 0.6


Current Issue

February, 2025
Vol.86 No.3

pISSN 0374-4884
eISSN 1976-8524

NPSM 새물리 New Physics : Sae Mulli JKPS Journal of Korean Physical Society CAP Current Applied Physics KOFST 한국과학기술단체총연합회 KOREAN COUNCIL OF SCIENCE EDITORS
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Journal of the Korean Physical Society

pISSN 0374-4884 eISSN 1976-8524